Friday, February 4, 2011 10:15 AM Posted by loss4words
Untitled Poem

You cannot see what is not there.
But it is
The burning fringe, dancing
along the black hole blur.

Feel this thud, thud
of a heart struggling to beat,
find it’s pace,
when you’ve stolen it to keep
as your own.

It was mine and I didn’t want to give it
It was mine and you took it
It was mine
and now all I have in it’s place
is this black hole blur.

Cover with hands so that
not all can see,
this blackness
of the hole
you’ve left in me

I see it, beating, cradled
in your hands as I lie
on the floor,
a shadow of what once was.

Your step away, an agonizing pull
along the unsympathetic floor for me.
Foot placement for you,
arms drag me forward,
begging for my heart back.

I find you before me, down,
at my level, it must be hard for you.
What a great depth you have to go,
although the advantage for you
is great,
to taunt what is mine,
no longer yours,
in front of me.
Refusing to return it.

You’d rather drag it along behind you,
to be torn up by pebbles, covered
in grass, weeds, dirt.
Making it match the way I feel
of the black hole blur.

©2010 The Word Poet

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